1985, Budapest
2018 - DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts), Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Doctoral School
2008 - 2013 Master of Fine Arts in Sculpture (MFA),University of Pécs, Faculty of Music and Visual Arts, Hungary
2007 Sculpture, Fine art, Engelsholm Højskole, Denmark
2004 - 2008 Art history, Philosophy, PPKE, Faculty of Humanities, Hungary
Solo exhibitions
Patterns of Counterknowledge, G99 Gallery, Brno, CZ
[B/R]elief, Parthenon Frieze Hall, Budapest
Gettier's cave, Óbudai Társaskör Gallery, Budapest
Clustering illusions, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, D
Distortions, Chimera-Project Gallery, Budapest
Ignorances, Labor Gallery, Budapest
In between grids, Plusmínusnula Gallery, Žilina, SK